A diaspora is a sort of population that is dispersed around countries that are away from their place of origin. Diaspora writers are those who live away from their country but they write content like novels stories articles and memoirs showcasing their own culture, traditions, and norms which are prevalent in their home country, cultural and other aspects since they live in a foreign country so the language, they might use will be in the foreign language which is buy and large English.
They use vocabulary which is mainly English in most cases but they use italics with words that are not translated into English rather they are adjusted as it is written in English but the word is from the place of origin of the writer. For example, if some word in Urdu means kite it will be written as “guddi” which means the same but through this method the writer acquainted the culture of his home country with all the foreign readers who are reading all the content the writer generates.
They also do write in such a manner as an attempt to remind those people who are so much indulged in the foreign life they are living. We should remember that mixing up is not bad at all but to mix up in such a manner that you lose your identity and existence. Such mixing up is called assimilation which is a hell of a crime in my dictionary of ethics morals and patriotism
Our ancestors tended to adopt the formulae of isolation and now we have new folks who even thinks that annihilation can be an option which is utter madness. Isolation is even not practicable because how can one separate itself from other communities’ cultures and religion.
Such writers are diasporic writers who accommodates all these forms of society formations like isolation annihilation assimilation and mixture which are then incorporated by them in their writings.
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