Dark underarms or armpit as it is commonly known, refers to the dark areas in the underarms which gives it and ugly and irritating look, especially when it is exposed in public places and gatherings.
Although, this has not been an issue for some, many who battle with it from time to time and have tried various means to get rid of it, using numerous skin care products and brightening lotions. Go through all these, because of the embarrassment that comes with having dark areas in the armpit. And at the end of it all, they realize that nothing seems to ever work no matter how hard they try.
If you find your self among people in this category, reading this article up to this point, shows how eager you are to get rid of this problem. And you certainly will.
Below are the three natural components that will get rid of your dark underarms within a week.
Tumeric: Tumeric is a medicinal root plant. Through out history and in many continents, including Africa, Tumeric has been used as a major constituent in many skincare products which helps in brightening and clearing off dark spots and other skin ailments. It thus will serve an important role in the brightening of dark underarms.
Honey: Almost, if not everyone is familiar with what Honey is and what it is used for. It is commonly known for its sweet taste and appealing aroma, and can be used for cooking, baking, making beverages and so on. Apart from these, it is also a very important component in skincare and healthcare. This is so because Honey can be used to clear blemishes, reduce wrinkles, clear chesty coughs and so much more. Leaving the skin smooth, spotless and youthful. Interestingly, it is also an important component used for clearing dark underarms.
Sugar: At this point, you might begin wondering how Sugar can be used in clearing dark underarms. Well, it is true that Sugar is not commonly used for skin care. However, its effect in this case is to help in sticking the major components (Tumeric and Honey) together enabling it to get rid of the dark areas in the underarms.
Below are the steps you should follow in making the mixture;
Add three table spoons of sugar into a small bowl.
Add two and the half table spoons of Tumeric powder.
Add three table spoons of honey and mix them all together, untill it is well blended.
After mixing, allow it to stay for up to five minutes. Apply in the dark areas of the armpit and scrub.
Allow it to stay in armpit for three minutes, rinse and wash off with soap and clean water.
Repeat this method twice daily for a better result.
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