How To Reduce Hair Breakage: #Trim 1#
If you experience a lot of hair breakage or stagnant hair growth, then you should definitely read this. Regular hair care routines like brushing, washing, and style can cause your hair to become weaker. You may definitely be certain that hair breakage may be a problem if you use heat or chemical treatments on your hair. Hair breakage can be treated and further damage can be avoided in the future with high-quality hair products and proper hair care techniques.
Technique #1 — Trimming:
Breakage can be reduced rapidly by trimming your hair. Your hair should be trimmed every eight weeks if you often blow dry it and spend a lot of time in the sun. If you have split ends, trimming is quite essential. Your hair will break off naturally as the split moves up your hair shaft.
How to Trim:
Twist your hair into one inch sections around your index finger, and cut off any of the ends that pop up.
When it comes to trimming natural hair and permed hair, there are some differences to consider due to the varying textures and needs of each hair type. Here are some tips for trimming natural hair and permed or relaxed hair differently:
Trimming Natural Hair:
1. Start with clean, detangled hair: Make sure your natural hair is neat and free of tangled knots before cutting it. This will improve the accuracy and ease of the trimming procedure.
2. Stretch the hair: Natural hair shrinks easily, which can make even trimming difficult. To acquire an accurate estimate of the length of your hair, stretch it using methods like twist-outs, braid-outs, or low-heat blow-drying.
3. Make use of professional hair shears that are sharp: Get a good set of hair shears that are made expressly for cutting hair. Regular scissors should not be used since they can result in broken ends.
4. Trim small parts at a time: Remove split or damaged ends from small portions of hair. Natural hair tends to shrink when it gets dry, so take care not to chop off too much of it.
5. You should always seek advice from a professional stylist who specialises in natural hair care if you're not sure how to trim your own natural hair and DOONIQUE GLAMOUR sure does the Job perfectly.
Trimming Permed Hair:
1. Consult a professional stylist: Permed hair requires specialized care, so it's recommended to consult a professional stylist who is experienced in working with permed hair. They can assess the condition of your hair and provide the best trimming technique.
2. Trim while hair is dry: Permed hair needs to be trimmed when it is dry, unlike natural hair. This makes it possible for you to view the hair's true length and form.
3. Apply the point-cutting technique: This involves holding the scissors vertically and making tiny cuts onto the ends of the hair. This preserves enough length while adding texture and removing any broken or split ends.
4. Trim less frequently: Permed hair is more prone to damage, so it's important to trim it regularly. However, since permed hair is chemically treated, it is generally recommended to trim less frequently compared to natural hair.
5. Deep condition regularly: To maintain the health of permed hair, deep condition regularly to keep it moisturized and minimize breakage.
#Stay tuned for more tips#
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