What is the right age to send your kids to school?

What is the right age to send your kids to school?

 Feature Writer - Sajida Farheen Farhee


Question 1. Is sending a two-year-old child to school cruel or necessary?

 Q. 2. What kind of effects are there on the child in terms of psychological, physical and social?

 Question 3. Can parents provide better education and training at home?

 Q. 4. What should be the correct age for enrolling a child in school?

 Question 5. Your experience and analysis as a sophist, education expert, sociologist, mother.

The quest to make sentences by combining words and that language is such that only the mother can understand, the questions that satisfy the curiosity to know and the attempt to do everything by oneself, but when sleeping at night, the warmth of the mother's embrace even for a moment.  If he tries to separate, the innocent feels it even in his sleep and embraces it more firmly in the grip of his little hands.

 How can a mother wake up such a small child who wants to sleep late in the morning, wants to be with mother all the time, wants to jump and play on his own, and send him to school by himself?

  Child abuse or necessity


There is an opinion that these children learn civilization but lose their innocence

 Then, with great regret, a person remembers his childhood and wants this fruit to ripen and become raw again

 And the heart says

  Let the birds fly now in the fair air

  Then the days of Loot's childhood do not come

  Let the little hands of children touch the moon and stars

 After reading four books, they will also become like us

 Seeing children go to school at an early age

 Butterflies sing songs out of books

  Tiffin is kept by the mother and Basta smiles

 And the children will say to themselves

 My cry that has a story

 Age is the best part

If we keep the teachings of religion in front of us, then for the first seven years, our Prophet (peace be upon him) also called the mother's lap as the first training ground.  And prayer has also been made obligatory on the seven-year-old child

 it is said by Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him.

 All of you are guardians and all of you are responsible for your subjects.

 (Bukhari, Sahih, 1: 304, Number: 853)

 "Each of you is a watcher and you will be called to account for your subjects and subordinates."

 Parents neglect education and training by sending their children to school at an early age.


Does the child smell of the spirit of the parents?

 Milk belongs to the box, education belongs to the government

 "If the builder lays the first brick wrongly and crookedly, how can the wall be prevented from being crooked up to the height?"


Says Zubaydah Umeer, a Montessori educator and mother who homeschools her children in their early years.

 The good upbringing of children is the most important task in the world. Parents who fulfill this duty responsibly, they are doing a great favor to themselves, not to their children.

 You can give children time to win and time never comes back and when time passes then nothing is left then there should not be feelings of inferiority in children and children who are not given time then this thing of deprivation.  In the case, it goes on and on, they suffer from mental breakdowns, a complete personality is not made of them. You are your children.  It will come out as a good person, a good confident personality and socially beneficial, it will be useful to people or at least in its own sense it will be strong for its family. I think that mother's  Father also has a very important role


If we look around us in the homes in which special interest is taken in the education of children and such families become an example, the personality of the children is improved, the children speak politely, they sit, such children are polite, they are obedient and their  They are also well-mannered because their parents have a quality that they transfer to their children

  Today I will talk about my country in terms of society, so I think that it is cruel and women who work part-time jobs are also necessary for them, but according to research and the research of all the young children we have seen.  Five years is about the right age because sending children at this age has the advantage that the filters that children between five and seven years old have become strong enough to freely interact with other children.  can keep and if there will be a child younger than that i.e. a child of two and a half years, then it happens that your filters are not strong, you don't know which child is coming from which family, so you learn both good and bad things about it.  Chances are high and if a five-year-old child is sitting with his mother or your family is standing in the background and other people are training him in this environment, then it happens that his  The filters are so strong that it doesn't affect him, he's absorbing the good stuff or what he's been taught at home very well.


In Germany, about 3,000 children have been tested and their research also says that the right age to send children to school is five to seven years old.  Early admissions and you know science has proven that the best age to study is seven years but starting at five is fine.

   Montessori education is not bad in that it is a pre-paid environment that the child is going into. Parents can do better education and training.  I will say that In Farmer Education by Better Deen Farmer Education, instead of sending to schools and being taught by a teacher, if the mother herself teaches at home in the early years and she teaches, then it is many sins better than sending to school today.  The idea of ​​home schooling is starting to re-emerge and home schooling is the best. In this we have got a child, he is raw material.  Neither will the child depend entirely on the parents. If they put their time and time into anything, it gives results. It would be great results and they would be lasting results for the whole life, so I would prefer it.  Doongi that parents can provide better education at home, but only at an early age

 A mother is the most role model. A mother's motherhood is a deep ocean whose depth cannot be measured. In order to help all mothers to fulfill this duty, I will say that home schooling is the best.


Alina Arshad is a child psychologist

  Sending a two-and-a-half-year-old child to school is time-consuming but psychological cruelty to the child.  If social needs are ignored, it is cruelty.

 As this is the growth age of the child, the child learns various morals from the elders in this age.  If he starts going to school at this age, first of all he gets stressed, at the age of playing, new responsibility is put on him which he cannot handle.  Factors such as feeling overworked make them vulnerable.  They are included in the race of numbers where they need training now.  The mother's lap is the first school of education, but the child loses the mother's discipleship.  Physically, he suffers from poor eyesight, back pain and often stomach problems due to stress.


Socially it can have both effects either he can gain confidence or he loses his courage due to criticism.

  There is no denying the fact that the first education for children is the mother's lap, but the father is also an important role in this education.  It is very important for the upbringing of any child that the home environment is conducive and both the mother and the father are the ones who create this environment.

 If the parents give full attention and time to the child, then the child can be given elementary education in the home environment.

 The right age to enroll a child in school is 4 to 5 years.

 As a psychologist, I would say that just as a child needs parents for physical development, in the same way, he needs parents to recognize his character, the difference between good and bad, and for character building.  Every flaw and quality of human personality is rooted in childhood and it is the parents who give this root growth.  He will reap the same seed he sows. If he gives this seed to someone else, he will water it, but there will be a lack of sincerity and love, which will be clearly visible in his personality in his youth.


I will not say that it is cruel to send a two-year-old child to Montessori because the way our setup is going today, it has become a necessity that children who are two and a half to three years old should be taken to a good Montessori school.  But I must say that choosing a Montessori or a daycare should be done very carefully so that it is a real Montessori, you need to know what Montessori is all about and then send your child there.  And if we think it is cruel to send a two-and-a-half-year-old child to Montessori, then we have to provide such an environment at home. In the past, it used to be that grandparents and great-grandparents used to spend all the hands of the mother on how to train the child.  And many things they used to learn now all the burden is on the mother because our joint family system is not like that and there are many reasons and single parenting is also a big reason that if a mother is raising a child alone.  It is very difficult for him to juggle and handle all the other matters and see that the child is brought up.  Apart from that, it is very important for working mothers to find a good Montessori school where they can send their child.


Sending a child to Montessori has a positive effect where the child gets to socialize, shares his/her things, Gif-in-Tech reveals that in a Montessori setup, children play together with children of different age groups and do educational activities.  It is a positive way of learning

 Children can be educated at home at an early age. If the parents themselves are educated and they are fulfilling their responsibilities in the society very well, then they should educate their children themselves. What is better if the mother is at home or working.  They are working at home and do not work anywhere, so what can be better than that they should educate their children at home, but if the parents are not educated or they themselves have no idea about these things that the child should be educated at this age.  What things are needed and what things need to be told, then instead of wasting their time by exploding them at home, you send them to a good Montessori.


There are two opinions regarding the age that has been asked. Some educationists say that a child should be admitted to Montessori at the age of two and a half to three years, and some say that at the age of six to seven years.  Children should be admitted, then the same thing is that if the parents know everything about the education of the children at home, then they should educate them at home and at the age of six to seven years, they should be admitted to the school, and if they do not know, then  Now it is better to get a three-year-old child admitted

 As a psychologist and educator, I would say that I had a great experience handling Montessori as a teacher and then as an administrator, because she was a real Montessori when I was in the post of administrator, so I had a lot of experience in that regard.  It was a good experience but I will say that this age group needs a very kind and gentle teacher who not only loves the child but also guides his personality well.  On the other hand, there is no scolding and anger here, but the child has to be told right from wrong and treated with a lot of love because the parents entrust the child to you.


Saima Faizan is a mother who has been home schooling her children for many years, she says

 From the time of Adam to about four hundred years ago, the parents and the society used to train the child, then the Industrial Era came, in terms of this, there was a need for people of a special type who are going to work in the same way, talk quietly.  People who are deprived of their thinking and creativity are walking on the same path.  Schools were invented for this. In our country, this invention of school is 100 to 150 years old.


It also had a bell, uniform, report, one number or two number goods (child) like a factory.  With this, when capitalism came, the focus on money went away and the market (not the scholars) started to dictate what was good or successful.  In the 1960s and 1980s, the perception was established that if a child could not study in school, he was not only weak, but inferior, and the terms of various learning disabilities were also coined during this period.  Once upon a time, it was believed that a child is born as a result of evil.  There is evil in him and there is no such thing as intelligence, he only learns through education.

 The American writer and educator "John Holt" said for the first time that we should not look at the child through the lens of psychology, but every child is different.  His books became very popular and many children were expelled from school.

 Einstein and Thomas Edison are examples of such children who had good effects physically and psychologically on these school children.

It also came from my own personal experience that when I sent my daughter to UnSchool, her health improved a lot, her interests and intelligence came out to me, it was as if I had brought her out of a closed room.  Removed and left to breathe in the open air.  I found his performance better than before in every work, I realized that my assumption was wrong that a child cannot learn anything without being told, but actually it is that a child cannot live without learning, then today  Tomorrow, there are countless opportunities to learn, the thought that if the mother could not study, how will the girl be, proved to be completely wrong.

  Parents are requested to get out of the race of godly degrees and focus on education along with education rather than education along with education.

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