Activating the I Can do spirit and keeping your options open

Experience has shown that the most important thing for young people in this age is ADAPTABILITY. Even if what they initially set out for or studied in school didn't turn out as expected, they shouldn't throw in the towel or give up on life. Rather they should seek for alternative opportunities and adapt to the same. They can still set themselves up for success through those alternative opportunities, instead of getting stranded or resigning to being a parasite, or resorting to a life of crime.

ADAPTABILITY is the new normal in the marketplace. It is one of the ways some young people are charting a course towards a brighter future, amid unexpected challenges they face in the nation and the world at large. Instead of just focusing on going to university and finally securing a job, young people who have such in mind may need to broaden that option to include other possible fields they can transit into after school. Equally, those who are into certain businesses, or have interest or actually involved in certain crafts, may also need to leave their options open. This is because many opportunities still abound in life. But when people are not willing or lack the necessary skill-set to explore such opportunities and make the necessary adjustment, they get stuck in the marketplace. Yet, had they been given the requisite knowledge or guidance that could help them to transit when necessary, their story would have been completely different.

Truly some of us may not know what they're really capable of until they allow themselves to dream and explore beyond the familiar or beyond those things they've always done. Then aim of this career discussion therefore is to activate in our youths that resilience spirit 

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A man of positive thoughts 💭💭💭