Hamster Kombat, a prominent play-to-earn project on Telegram, has announced that 60% of its HMSTR tokens will be allocated to its users. This update, detailed in a newly revised whitepaper, comes as the anticipated airdrop has faced delays, causing some community concerns.
According to the whitepaper, while 60% of the token supply will be distributed among players, the remaining 40% will support ecosystem grants, partnerships, liquidity, and other strategic milestones. The Hamster Kombat team shared this information on X, clarifying their updated plans and addressing user inquiries.
The team explained that due to the technical challenges of the airdrop, it’s difficult to provide a specific launch date. They are working with the TON ecosystem to ensure a successful airdrop. The project is touted as potentially the “largest airdrop in crypto history” due to its extensive user base.
Currently, HMSTR tokens are available for pre-market trading on OKX and Bybit. The whitepaper also notes that Hamster Kombat has reached over 300 million players globally, though the number may include bots.