Mindfulness Meditation for cultivating confidence

1. Take your seat.

As you find a long but relaxed spine, see yourself as claiming a spot on the earth, and know that this practice is not retreat from the details of life but a way to prepare to meet life head on, with an open heart.

2. Check In.

You might take a moment to notice if any of the eight winds has been strong in your life recently. Notice, without judgement, your current state of mind.

3. Mindfulness of body.

Guide your attention to the body and breath. Feel how your breath anchors you to your body, and to meeting life as it is. When you notice you've lost track of your body, you can gently note "thinking".

4. Mindfulness of the Worldly Winds.

If you'd like, you can note "hope" or "fear" when a thought related to one of the eight winds arises. The point isn't to conquer any of the words. It's to see that you can hold your seat when hope and fear blow through your mind, without needing to react immediately to them.

5. Gratitude.

When you feel finished with your meditation, you can offer yourself a bow or other gesture of gratitude for your willingness to practice holding your seat in this way.


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Gaius - Feb 7, 2025, 12:33 AM - Add Reply


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