Writing a captivating and compelling copies is a common challenge facing every copywriter. To write copies is not the questions. But to write copies that will capture and turn your audience from being customers to being regular buyers.
This piece will teach you how to structure and format your copies to achieve your aims.
What is format
Format is the way or form of presenting something to achieve a purpose.
3 Copywriting formats
1. Number Format: in number format, one uses number(s) to attract readers to a copy. Why use number in copywriting: it increases audience’s curiosity over a copy, it stipulates many ways to solve a particular problem, it is specific and information loaded etc.
Humans are curious and happy to know in how many ways they can do, see, or tell of a particular thing. Take for instance, two institutions that teach how to bake cake. Institution A presents its copy thus: how to bake different shapes of cake in 20 minute. While institution B presents its own thus: 3 ways to bake different shapes of cakes in 20 minute. Among these two headlines which one will you click first before the other, and why? Let me see your answer in the comment section. I guess you will click on institution B’s copy. Perhaps you want to know more ways to bake cake as an old or new person going into cake baking. That of institution A seems to have lesser information. This could be wrong, but it seems so because it presented its copy in a shallow way compared to institution B.
2. Story Format: in story formatting, you relate a story on how you were trying to do something without good results and finally got the proper way of doing it with best results. One of the reasons why you should use story format to present your copies is because it increases your audience’s taste for discovery. People want to know how what you are giving them has solved your own problem, in order to know its efficacy in solving their own problems.
Consider these two examples: EXAMPLE ONE; in 2020 I nearly drop the career on copywriting, not until I discovered these 5 (five) secrets that have turned my writing career into money making tool. EXAMPLE TWO; turn your writing career into money making tool. From the examples, which copy interest you more (remember they have same message), and why? Let me see your answer in the comment section.
3. Question format: here you raise a question that has been disturbing your audience with an answer; solution, at hand. You mostly use this format when you properly understand your audience’s pain point. It brings immediate solutions to their pains. Question in copywriting create suspense in the mind of your audience. Make sure you complement your question with a call to action (click the link, order now, follow me etc).
Consider these examples: want to make your copy persuasive? Want to make money from the comfort of your home? Are you tired of wasting money and time in search of reliable means of making money online? Click the link below (call me, follow me etc) to get started now! Are you wondering how to reduce and treat your sugar level? Wonder no more, these five home-made recipes are the answers to your wonders.
Question engages the mind of your audience. According to Henrick Hagtvedt, “while statements convey clarity, questions do much more to engage the mind”. Many copywriters use question most of the time to capture the mind of their audiences and it is working perfectly.
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