You will agree with me that getting rid of belly fat can be a hassle. And in several cases despite the time, effort and consistency put into it, most people do not always get the results they want, and then they gradually give up on the process all together.
However, the truth is you do not always need vigorous exercises to get rid of belly fat. Here are four natural remedies that helps in getting rid of belly fat in two weeks straight, they include; Cucumber, Ginger, lemon and pineapple.
Cucumber : Cucumber is a water filled vine plant that has numerous benefits such as, easing indigestion, lowering of high blood sugar and most especially, helps in the reduction of unhealthy fat in the body.
Ginger : Ginger is a root plant, it aids in fastening the digestion process, pain reduction, Weight loss and so much more.
Lemon : Lemon is a vitamin rich fruit that comes with a lot of benefits, it is a good digestion aid, it serves as a system cleanser, it reduces blemishes in the skin, aids in weight reduction and much more.
Pineapple : The Pineapple fruit also has a lot of benefits. For one thing, it is a good source of vitamin c, heals tissues and can also aid in fat and weight reduction.
Note: Before reading the preparation steps for making this mixture, be sure you are not allergic to any of the things mentioned above.
Below are the steps to follow in the preparation;
Slice the washed cucumber in bits and set it aside.
Wash the ginger properly and slice it into smaller bits, set it aside.
Wash the pineapple, peel and slice the pineapple. Do not discard the peel.
Squeeze the washed lemon into a bowl, and remove the seed with a spoon.
Cut the pineapple peel into smaller sizes, put it into a pot and boil for three minutes. After boiling, allow it to cool down and drain the water into a neat bowl.
6. Add the sliced cucumber, ginger and pineapple into the blender, making sure that it is smooth enough.
7. Lastly, add the lemon juice and the pineapple peel water into the mixture and blend once again. Poor it into a clean cup and enjoy.
Do this twice a day, everyday for a faster result. Do not forget to give this article a thumbs up, comment and share to people you know might need this. Thank you for reading.
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