The truth about pawpaw, do I truly need it in the list of my diet?

Ever since I discovered the truth about pawpaw, it became my favorite fruit! Believe me, just few minutes of your time will land you to this life changing benefits of pawpaw. You wouldn't afford to miss out.

Pawpaw with the scientific name, Carica papaya, is a common but amazing fruit commonly grown in tropical climate. When fully ripped, it does not just possess radiantly appeasing yellow color but also have a wide variety of health benefits and most interestingly unique sweet taste.

Pawpaw has the following nutrients Viz; vitamins, minerals (iron, zinc, copper and manganese), amino acids and fats at encouraging proportion. Of course, these nutrients' combination will give us an outstanding boost to be healthy.

What are the health benefits of eating pawpaw? 

It's worthy of note that the fruit in question aside nutritional values can radically prevent different diseases. Based on verified research, pawpaw or papaya, as I prefer to call it,  can foster the following health benefits namely,

✓ Reducing the risk of heart disease.

✓ prevents diabetes.

✓ possess useful anti-cancer effects.

✓ Aids easier digestion.

✓ Improves the blood glucose


✓ Lowers blood pressure and 

✓ Improves the wound healing


Have you realized that papaya can scare away many health worries? Do you think it worth consuming?

I'm so excited to have relayed this hidden importance of pawpaw in this article.

Note: it's advisable to eat fresh and well riped pawpaw. Refrigerator can also retain it's quality for long. 

I remember my nursery school days chorus, let's echo it!

     "....sweet like sugar,

       yellow like fanta,

       everybody likes pawpaw"

       P A W P A W!!








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