"Using the African Calendar Method for Baby Gender Prediction"


Thegender of a baby can be predicted using the African calendar, which is based on customs and mythology. Here's a little how-to for newcomers:


1. Find the age of the mother: Find out how old the mother was when the baby was conceived.African gender chart

2. Find out the Conception Month: Determine the month that conception took place.

3. Make Use of a Reference Chart: The mother's age and the month of conception are usually combined in traditional African gender prediction charts to determine the gender. These charts are available online or in publications about traditional African practices.

4. Interpret the Results: To determine if the baby will be a boy or a girl, match the mother's age to the month of conception using the chart.


Recall that this approach lacks scientific validation and is based in cultural convictions. It is not meant to be a trustworthy forecast; rather, it is meant to be fun.

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