What can we expect from the Four-Examiners Policy?


The 2022 Bar chair, Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa, has issued specific guidelines on how to answer bar questions under the so-called Three-Examiners-Policy, which states that there will be three examiners who will check the answers of Bar candidates for each Bar subject. The implementation of such a policy is intended to accommodate the increasing number of bar takers each year while also expediting the checking process without jeopardising the integrity of bar results.


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Some Tips in Answering Essay Questions


1. Read each question carefully and fully, and pay attention to the instructional words used in each question.

Examples of instructional words are: explain, argue, compare, contrast, define, decide, and distinguish. The answers should respond to what these words exactly require. Reading thoughtfully and thoroughly is a requisite skill in the legal practice and examinees must read the question with utmost care, and focus on responding to what each question is actually asking. Do not answer your own questions. As well, see to it that you understand the question and respond to it in the context of the subject matter under which it is being asked (e.g., do not answer a civil law question with a political law answer).


Favorite Bar areas for the previous two ditigalized Bar examinations. (Part II).

Real Party-in-Interest (Part II). 


2. Ensure that your answers demonstrate your ability to analyze the facts, apply the pertinent law and jurisprudence, and arrive at a sound and logical conclusion.

A mere “yes” or “no” answer, without any corresponding explanation or discussion, will not be given full credit. Thus, examinees must always briefly but fully explain the basis of their answers. Effective communication is another core competency for lawyers, and examineesmust endeavor to convey their ideas through legal reasoning that is correct, concise and as clear as possible.


Desk name plate. 

3. When a question asks for the resolution of a specific legal problem, your task is to provide the resolution called for by the question, with sufficient explanation as to how the conclusion was arrived at.

Note that in each question, the examiner can give partial credit if the answer is well-written and logical even if the conclusion is not accurate. Take caution, however, that the use of the “shotgun” approach in answering questions may not be the best strategy, as it may indicate a lack of specific knowledge about the questions.


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4. After reading and understanding each question, and to aid the organization of your answers, we suggest that your first draft an outline of proposed answers on the scratch paper provided or in the digital boxes in Examplify.

However, please make sure that the Essay Editor box contains your final  answer.


SC: Application for 2023 Bar exams to start January 8. 


5. To help the examiner assess the answers, you can provide transitional devices to structure your answers.

Including: first, second, next, finally, on the other hand, consequently, furthermore, and the like.


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6. Always proofread your answers.

Since the exams also test the examinee’s writing ability, you should spend sufficient time reviewing your answers, editing mistakes in grammar and punctuation, checking for misspelled or missing words, and omitting needless ones.


7. Please make sure that no distinguishing marks are made, and that no extraordinary formatting is used in your answers.

The FAQs on the Digitalized Examinations for the 2022 Bar Examinations and the 2022 Bar Examinations Examplify Manual already provided to you include instructions to ensure that the prescribed type format—Times New Roman at size 14—is followed. Do not use any specific name when it is not called for in the question. Do not write a mantra, motto, religious or spiritual prayer, special plea addressed to the examiner or the Bar Chairperson, or any other such extraneous text. This will be classified as cheating, and may be a ground to disqualify the examinee from the entire Bar Examinations.


8. Take a deep breath before starting.

Calm yourself. Focus.



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BAR BULLETIN No. 1 Series of 2023 (Highlights). (2023 Bar Examinations).


• In its continued pursuit for Bar reforms, the Court binds itself to institutionalize the technological measures already brilliantly introduced in the last two Bar Examinations.

The 2023 Bar Examinations shall thus proceed as it is now – digitalized and regionalized;


• With a further-condensed schedule and carefully-streamlined scope for administrative efficiency.

• Successful Bar examinees can commence their practice of law as early as December 2023; • Multiple-Examiner Policy. The 2023 Bar Examinations shall adopt a multiple-examiner policy of four (4) examiners per subject (Bar Matter No. 11611) and in order to achieve an efficient, thorough review of answers despite the increasing number of Bar candidates every year.


• Other Mechanics.


- A bar examination is simply a qualifying test, intended to measure a candidate’s basic legal knowledge and competence.


- It shall be composed of a maximum of twenty (20) straightforward, entry-level questions, in essay-type form.


- Answers will not require computations, and will be graded from 0% to 100% or 5% for each question.


Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for the Supreme Court's official publication of the Bar Bulletin for the 2023 Bar Examinations. The Bar Bulletin was only highlighted in its most important sections. For accurate, verified, and updated information regarding the 2023 Bar Examinations, rely on the following official communication channels: (Supreme Court Official Website & Supreme Court Official Social Media Accounts.)


For the same reasons, the Bar chair deemed it necessary to implement the multiple bar examiners (now four-examiners policy) in the 2023 Bar Examinations.

This will expedite the checking process without compromising the Bar results. The 2023 Bar chair simply states that the Bar examination is merely a qualifying test designed to assess a candidate's basic legal knowledge and competence, and that the questions will be composed of a maximum of twenty (20) straightforward, entry-level questions in essay format. Answers will not require any computations and will be graded on a scale of 0% to 100% or 5% for each question. The preceding suggests that the 2023 Bar chairperson has given examiners more leeway in checking examinees' answers by not providing them with specific guidelines on what to expect in bar takers' answers.


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